SF-Platform-page-1200x800-minLearn Why the Salesforce Platform is Great for ERP

Business leaders already know about Salesforce CRM, the world’s number one CRM platform. But what can the Salesforce Platform do for manufacturers, distributors, and supply chains using ERP? And why is the #1 Platform as a Service (PaaS) ideal for ERP? The answer to these important questions can be found on our new page Learn Why the Salesforce Platform is Great for ERP.

The new page describes 12 benefits of running CRM and Cloud ERP on a single platform. For example, running ERP on the Salesforce Platform gives you a complete 360-degree view of your entire business, with a shared data model across CRM, ERP and custom apps accessible from mobile devices and the analytic tools of your choice. The page addresses topics such as digital transformation, IT productivity, reducing costs and more.

See why running ERP on the Salesforce Platform can give your company strategic and tactical advantages. To learn more about how each of these advantages can help your manufacturing, distribution or supply chain business, check out Learn Why the Salesforce Platform is Great for ERP.