
Pro-Tech’s Chris Muto talks about how Rootstock Cloud ERP is helping his company use critical business data in the latest podcast from Data in Depth.

Big data is everywhere. But this is one tech buzzword where the hype is backed up by real experience, especially in manufacturing. The big question is this: How can manufacturing companies like yours gain valuable business insights from all of their data that helps them grow?

In the latest podcast from Data in Depth, Chris Muto, Sales Operations Manager for Pro-Tech, a manufacturer of industrial snowplows, talks about how his company leveraged the benefits of Cloud ERP to make use of its own critical business data.

“How Manufacturers Can Use Data to Improve Customers’ Experience, Drive Additional Sales, and Do More with Less” is a fascinating interview that looks at the recent experiences of one manufacturing company. Pro-Tech moved successfully from a legacy, on-premise ERP-driven dysfunctional back office to a highly efficient and profitable enterprise driven by big data.

The 26-minute podcast goes inside Pro-Tech’s decision to replace their on-premise ERP system with a modern Cloud ERP solution and looks at how the company is managing rapid growth and a changing business climate.

Muto talks about several aspects of his company’s successful use of big data, including:

  • Why small manufacturers need to deliver a big office experience to customers in order to compete with larger companies.
  • How automation helped Pro-Tech dramatically improve the efficiency of their operations without adding employees.
  • How the company’s data gives them better insights into their own processes like inventory, the shop floor and shipping, as well as easy and useful executive reporting.
  • How big data in sales and marketing has helped the company continue to grow.

Here’s that link to the podcast again: “How Manufacturers Can Use Data to Improve Customers’ Experience, Drive Additional Sales, and Do More with Less.”

You can learn more about Pro-Tech’s experience with Rootstock Cloud ERP here.