
Cloud ERP and ROI

There’s no reason to make an investment in a project unless you’re confident you’ll get something in return. But while some business investments are slightly suspect from the start (“Let’s roll Windows Phones out to our field service reps!”), others have a long list of proven benefits. E-commerce, robotics, and mobile connections, to name just a few, have transformed how businesses are run, how workers work, and how customers are served.

So too with enterprise resource planning (ERP) delivered from the cloud. ERP exploded in the 1990s to help manufacturers, distributors, and companies across industries manage everything from supply chains and operations to customer service and billing. Fast-forward 25 years or so and we’ve all seen the benefits cloud services and infrastructures have brought to the world of business software. Combine the two and you’re not only doubling the potential benefits, you’re also getting so much more.

Cloud ERP brings transformational capabilities to companies large and small, which alone help deliver a sizable return on the initial investment. But couple those benefits with the relatively small cost to deploy, maintain, and upgrade cloud ERP and the denominator on your ROI calculation starts to get surprisingly small. That not only maximizes any ROI, the inherent benefits of cloud ERP (frequent upgrade cycles, simple integrations, intuitive use, mobile capabilities, modular architecture, 360-degree view of customer data, and more) help you advance nearly every area of your operations.

But as you search for a cloud ERP solution, you need some tangible areas of ROI. We get it. Everyone must quantify the expected benefits of any new project. So instead of just offering a few bullets and a couple of examples, we went all in and came up with 50 different ways, across 5 different domains, where cloud ERP can deliver demonstrable ROI to your business.

Download “50 Ways to Get ROI from Cloud ERP” today.

Are these just the generic “speed up processes” points you might have come to expect? Nope. We’re talking details on how cloud ERP helps you roll out dock-to-stock inventory practices, enables easier product launches, eliminates expedited freight charges, and reduces component shortages. Need more? It covers how cloud ERP gives you more control over warranty costs, a better view of profits by customer, improved coordination with customers, lower IT costs, and even happier employees.

And that’s just 9 points! There are 41 more to go!

Download these “50 Ways to Get ROI from Cloud ERP” and we’re sure you’ll find dozens that can instantly help you justify exploring cloud ERP for your organization.