Trust-Page-Blog-1200x800-2-2-minHow Rootstock Cloud ERP and the Salesforce Platform Protect Your Data

Nothing is more important than the security of your data and applications. Businesses running software in the cloud must be able to trust their cloud platform to keep their data and applications safe. With technology advancing at a record pace, the threats from hackers have also advanced. It’s a constant battle to protect your data, and do-it-yourself security measures simply cannot do the job. That’s why Rootstock Cloud ERP is part of the Salesforce Platform.

Our new page, Trust in Rootstock, describes how Rootstock Cloud ERP and the Salesforce Platform protect your data with sophisticated security controls that not only safeguard your information but also adhere to the highest level of data integrity.

The new page tells you how Rootstock has completed successful SOC 1 and SOC 2 audits and gives you a convenient summary of Salesforce Platform security. You’ll learn about the security functions already built into the platform and links to Salesforce security resources that provide detailed platform security information and training.

With Rootstock Cloud ERP on the Salesforce Platform, you don’t have to worry about installing and configuring your own do-it-yourself security measures. Two-factor authentication, data encryption, event monitoring, security auditing and additional security tools are all part of the platform.

See how Rootstock and Salesforce keeps your data secure on our Trust in Rootstock page.